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The function picks the reference for evaluation according to Dutch referral guidelines for underweight and overweight.


pick_reference_wgt(age = NA, sex = NA_character_, ga = NA, etn = NA_character_)



Scalar, most recent decimal age (in years).


Character, either "male" or "female"


Gestational age, completed weeks (Integer or character)


Ethnicity, one of "NL" (dutch), "TU" (turkish), "MA" (moroccan) or "HS" (hindustani).


A list or NULL. Element call contains an executable string to the proper reference. Element ty is a function to be applied to the measurement before calculating the Z-score. Element yname is the type of measurement. The function returns NULL if it cannot determine a proper reference (e.g. for missing age or sex).


The Z-score calculation relies on normative references. The exact reference used depends on the age of the child, sex, gestational age and ethnicity.

The underweight guideline prescribes wgt references for ages 0-1 years, wfh references for ages 1-2 years. The overweight guidelines prescribes wfh references for ages 1-2 years. For ages > 2.0, international and ethnic specific (for HS) BMI-cut offs are use. For preterms (ga < 37) Dutch preterm wgt and wfh references are used. The function does not return BMI references.

Missing data policy: if age or sex are missing, the function returns NULL. If ga is missing, the function assumes term birth. If etn is missing the function assumes Dutch ethnicity.


Stef van Buuren, 2020


growthscreener:::pick_reference_wgt(age = 0.5, sex = "male")
#> [1] "nl_2009_wgt_male_nl"