• Solves a bug in the de-duplication of parental information (#10)
  • Extend tests with a more general JSON schema with duplicated BDS fields for parents
  • Uses update dscore 1.9.0 package
  • Updates some hard-coded values in tests of the D-score
  • Applies the bug fix in 0.26.0 only to BDS 63
  • Repairs a bug that prevented reading data if two mothers or two fathers were listed, e.g., from the same-sex couples
  • Change definition and processing code for BDS 71 (birth land parents) to character (#9)
  • Adds two demo files: examples/Laura_S.json and examples/Kevin_S.json
  • Changes schema inst/schema/bds_v3.0.json to point to master branch
  • Replace non-functional inst/examples/maria.json by an older version

Non-breaking change in the V3.0 schema definition

  • Changed the type definition of BDS field 71 (parental birth country) from integer to number

Added support in V3.0 schema definition

  • Adds support in read_bds() and write_bds() for
    • parental country of birth (BDS 71, uses government Table 34 for codes)
    • parental level of eduction (BDS 62/66)
    • parity (BDS 471)
    • 4-digit postal code (BDS 16)

Other changes

  • Removes the empty array writing from write_bds()
  • Adds a developer vignette outlining the steps needed to add a BDS number
  • Renames source file names for improved consistency
  • Access dplyr::case_match() by requiring dplyr 1.1.0
  • Correct documentation errors
  • Major overhaul of bdsreader package

Major changes

  • Reorganises calculations in function read_bds() into 13 steps
  • The new argument validate to read_bds() can bypass the jsonvalidate::json_validate() to speed up data reading. The default is FALSE. Use validate = TRUE to obtain diagnostic information.
  • Function read_bds() now writes intermediate JSON file to the working directory by setting intermediate = TRUE.
  • Much faster reading of DDI BDS fields by smarter data mungling
  • Prepares for deprecation of JSON schema v1.0 and v2.0 by splitting processing in read_bds() according to major version number
  • Translates communication into the English language

Minor changes

  • Updates all tests according to new functionality
  • Retires the verify() function and its tests
  • Cleans up code by lintr
  • Updates example code, tests and documentation to the JSON V3.0 schema
  • Solves problem with write_bds() that failed to save gestational age for lollypop data
  • Tweaks reading logic so that lollypop data are read
  • Redefines ‘reference’ instead of ‘Reference’ in V3.0 schema
  • Splits write_bds() in subfunctions per major version
  • Extends tests for read_bds() to cover three major versions
  • Updates write_bds() so that it conforms to JSON BDS schema V3.0
  • Prevent upstairs assignments within the switch() statement
  • Makes the reading of the data more lenient so that name and src are properly read for V1.0-V3.0 data
  • Repairs V3.0 examples so that these conform to V3.0 schemas

Bug fixes

  • Repairs errors in selected bds fields in V2.0 and V3.0 schemas:
    • 66 (added code “09”)
    • 911 –> 912
    • 944 –> 945
    • 960 –> 961
    • 965 –> 966
    • 942 –> 943
    • 944 –> 945
    • 973 (added)
    • 1001 (added)
  • Makes parse_valid() robust against BDS sequence
  • Changes default format in write_bds() to JSON schema V3.0
  • Updates dependency versions

Major changes

  • Defines BDS JSON schema V3.0 for exchanging child-level data between electronic systems. V3.0 uses an English data definition and redefines the nesting structure to a more logical structure. The new schema mostly follows alterations developed by Eaglescience BV for the SRM made in the period 2022-2023.
  • From now on, the advice is to adopt V3.0 for data exchange. Versions V1.0, V1.1 and V2.0 will be retired in the future.
  • Adds support for version V3.0 to functions read_bds() and write_bds()
  • Changes the key for calculating the D-score to dscore(..., key = "gsed2212")
  • Tests new functionality on 74 test files stored in package jamesdemodata

Minor changes

  • Removes deprecated tidyselect .data$var syntax
  • Refreshes GH action scripts
  • Adds script to simulate user bugs and requests
  • Adds example data maria and examples/maria.json
  • Repairs an error with the coding of “smoking during pregnancy”
  • Update documentation
  • Removes class attribute target, so now the target data is just a list with elements named "psn" and "xyz".
  • Breaking change: Replace return value of read_bds() from “tibble with attribute” to an object of class target. This will provide a complete export of the data when converted into JSON format.
  • Do not use dot parameters anymore for jsonlite::FROMjson(), which errors on alien argument names
  • Make the Format field a required element in schema bds_2.0.json
  • Solves a bug that prevented read_bds(txt) to read data from a URL
  • Adds a small dataset minidata for demo purposes
  • Adds function export_as_bds() that converts donordata into JSON files
  • Repairs a problem with the validation of JSON string input (#4)
  • Updates the test files to more recent jsonvalidate output
  • Hacks away parts of parse_valid() that does not work under format 2.0
  • Specify dependency on jsonvalidate 1.3.2
  • Sets return value of set_schema()$schema to the long file name including path
  • Solves a bug that prevented reading DDI under format = “2.0”
  • Solves various runtime bugs
  • Solves a problem with empty names in bds_write()
  • Implements auto_format that stores the format in the data file (#2)
  • Use jamesdemodata package for testing and demo’s
  • Removes some example files from inst/examples
  • Adds examples maria1.json and maria2.json
  • Updates README

This is a major update that introduces schema versioning for JAMES. Schema versioning allows input data to be formatted according to one of multiple JSON-schemas.

  • Introduces schema versioning;
  • Adds multi-version support to read_bds(), write_bds() and related functions;
  • Makes format the most prominent user-facing argument. Alternatively, the user can also specify the schema file directly using the schema argument;
  • Shortens names of schema files to bds_v{x.y}.json;
  • Renamee existing schemas as follows:
    • bds_schema_str.json –> bds_v1.0.json (format = 1)
    • bds_schema.json –> bds_v1.1.json
    • bds_schema_V2.jsonbds_v2.0.json (format = 2)
  • For clarity, renames the path from inst/json to inst/schemas;
  • Updates the $id field in the schema’s to their permanent locations.

The default is format = 2L, which is incompatible with early users who code their data with bds_schema_str.json. To read/write with the older format, call read_bds(..., format = 1L) or write_bds(..., format = 1L). The schema argument is primarily meant for development and testing.

  • Adds GHA R-CMD-check for Ubuntu 18.04
  • Tweaks package description
  • Switches on continuous integration
  • Adds Github action pkgdown
  • Adds Github action R-CMD-check
  • Replaces docs folder by gh-pages branch
  • Set bds_schema_v1.1.json as default!! (not all testfile yet work)
  • Replaces the jamestest package by jamesdemodata
  • Supports (testing of) bds_schema_v1.0.json (old) and bds_schema_v1.1.json (new)
  • Adds a file argument to write_bds()
  • Updates scripts to account for double schema
  • Removes the appendLF = FALSE argument from message
  • Adds new bds_write() function
  • Sets tighter ranges in bds_schema_v1.1.json
  • Changes the default JSON validation schema to bds_schema_v1.1.json
  • Adds example json from bdsreader package
  • Adds item splitting code for two BDS fields (head lag, walking)
  • Adds a check on the existing of proper attribute in persondata()
  • Adds a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package
  • First working version