Longitudinal height, weight, head circumference measurements during ages 0-2 years for a representative sample of 3 Dutch children born in 1988-1989, including covariates. For demo purposes.
A list with two components:
Tibble with 14 columns containing child-level covariates
Tibble with 78 columns containing growth data and developmental milestones per time point.
The child
tibble contains the following variables:
ID, unique id
of each child (numeric)
Source, here "smocc"
Data of birth "smocc"
Sex, "male"
or "female"
Etnicity, "MA"
, "NL"
, or "TU"
Educational level (typically mother), "low"
, "high"
Gestational age in completed, weeks (numeric)
Birth weight in grammes (numeric)
Twin, 0 = no, 1 = yes (numeric)
Mother smoked during pregnancy, 0 = no, 1 = yes (numeric)
Mother age when giving birth (years) (numeric)
Height of mother in cm (numeric) (numeric)
Height of father in cm (numeric) (numeric)
Child nickname
The time
tibble contains the following variables:
Source, here "smocc"
ID, unique id
of each child
Record number
Number of child records, 6+
Data of birth (character)
Data of measurement (character)
Decimal age
Sex, "male"
or "female"
Etnicity, "MA"
, "NL"
, or "TU"
Gestational age in completed weeks
Birth weight in grammes
Height measurement in cm
Weight measurement in kg
Head circ measurement in cm
D-score, D-unit
DDI milestone, BDS number 879
DDI milestone, BDS number ...
Herngreen WP, van Buuren S, van Wieringen JC, Reerink JD, Verloove-Vanhorick SP, Ruys JH (1994). Growth in length and weight from birth to 2 years of a representative sample of Netherlands children (born in 1988-89) related to socio-economic status and other background characteristics. Annals of Human Biology, 21, 449-463.
This dataset is property of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO. Distribution is not permitted. Inquiries at stef.vanbuuren@tno.nl.