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Uploads JSON data that adhere to the BDS-format, parses its contents, converts it to a list with elements psn and xyz, and stores the result on the server for further processing. The function is useful for caching input data over multiple requests to OpenCPU. The cached data feed into other JAMES functions by means of the session header in the response. The server wipes the cached data after 2 hours.


  txt = "",
  auto_format = TRUE,
  format = "1.0",
  schema = NULL,
  validate = FALSE,
  append_ddi = FALSE,
  intermediate = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,



A JSON string, URL or file


Logical. Should the format be read from the data? Default is TRUE.


String. JSON data schema version number. There are currently three schemas supported: "1.0", "1.1", "2.0" and "3.0". Formats "1.0" and "1.1" are included for backward compatibility only. Use format = "3.0" for new applications.


A file name (optionally including the path) with the JSON validation schema. The schema argument overrides format. The function extracts the version number for the basename, and overwrites the format argument by version number.


Logical. Should the JSON-input be validated against the JSON-schema? The default (FALSE) bypasses checking. Set validate = TRUE to obtain diagnostic information from the jsonvalidate::json_validate() function.


Should the DDI responses be appended? (only used for JSON schema V1.0 and V2.0)


Logical. If TRUE the function writes JSON files with intermediate result to the working directory.

  1. input.json: the JSON input data;

  2. bds.json: a data frame with info per BDS;

  3. ddi.json: result of recoding BDS into GSED item names;

  4. psn.json: known fixed child covariates;

  5. xy.json: time-varying variables.


Show verbose output for centile::y2z()


Used for additional parameters


A list with elements psn (persondata) and xyz (timedata).


Stef van Buuren 2021


fn <- system.file("testdata", "client3.json", package = "james")
p <- upload_data(fn)