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This document is the README of the first JAMES version supported up to December 2021. The version will not be further developed but remain operational until Nov 2022 on <>. Use <> for the current version.

Joint Automatic Measurement and Evaluation System (JAMES)

JAMES is an experimental web service for creating and interpreting charts of child growth and development. The current version

  1. provides access to high-quality growth charts used by the Dutch youth health care;
  2. interchanges data coded according to the Basisdataset JGZ;
  3. screens for abnormal height, weight and head circumference;
  4. converts developmental data into the D-score;
  5. predicts future growth and development.

The service can be used by anyone interested in high-quality charts for monitoring and evaluating childhood growth. This document highlights some applications of JAMES, and provides pointers to relevant background information.

Deprecation note

We will be offering Docker containers running JAMES from January 2022 onwards, and phase out the functionality described below. Work in progress is at

Check whether JAMES is running

JAMES is currently located at url [NOTE: From April 2022 onwards, use] The sections below use curl for illustration, but any HTTP client will work.

In order to check whether the JAMES server is running, try generating some random numbers by calling stats::rnorm(), in a terminal window as follows,

curl --data n=5

Primary JAMES user functionality

Function Description Interesting URL’s Contents
list_charts List available growth charts R/.val/json Table of charts, JSON
R/.val/text Table of charts, text
upload_data Validate, convert and store input data messages/json parse messages, JSON
draw_chart Draw chart, predict future growth graphics/1/svglite chart, svglite format
graphics/1/png chart, png format
messages/json parse, graph messages, JSON
request_site Site URL with personalised charts R/.val/json site URL, JSON
messages/json parse, site messages, JSON
calculate_dscore Calculate the D-score for each visit R/.val/json D-score table, JSON
screen_growth Screen growth along JGZ guidelines R/.val/json screening table, JSON
messages/json parse, screen msg, JSON
custom_list Create list with custom returns R/.val/json list of returns, JSON

The primary user functions cover out wide range of activities. Let us look into these in some more detail.

Available growth charts

The site provides a quick round-trip of growth charts. JAMES currently offers 394 different charts, divided into three chart groups:

  1. 140 charts for children of various etnicities, age groups and outcomes (Talma et al. 2010);
  2. 240 charts specifically designed for preterms (Bocca-Tjeertes et al. 2012);
  3. 14 charts based on the WHO Child Growth Standards (WHO 2006);

The list_charts() function in JAMES function produces a tabular overview of all charts.

We may uses any HTTP client to download the list of growth charts. Many systems have the curl command already installed. We download the list into a JSON file by the following request:

curl -d "" -o ~/Downloads/jamescharts.json

A request to list_charts on JAMES will yield a response like

Response []
  Date: 2020-09-02 13:29
  Status: 201
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
  Size: 248 B

The status is 201 (Resources created), and the unique session {key} is x07c4471d08dbd3. Note that this changes with each request, so if you are replicating these commands, be sure to change {key} accordingly. Session keys and their url’s remain valid for 2 hours. See for succinct documentation of the OpenCPU interface.

Not all information that JAMES return is interesting. In this case, we would like to see the table of charts in JSON format. We may these obtain this table from the URL The first entry looks like

  "chartgrp": "nl2010",
  "chartcode": "HJAA",
  "population": "HS",
  "sex": "male",
  "design": "A",
  "side": "front",
  "language": "dutch",
  "week": ""

The central field is chartcode, which contains a unique 4-7 character code identifying the particular chart. In this example, code HJAA represents a chart for boys with Indo-Surinamese background (population HS) and design A (chart with head circumference, length and weight for boys aged 0-15 months). The codes are compatible and extend those used in Talma et al. (2010).

Requesting a growth chart

We may download growth chart HJAA with the draw_chart() function as follows:

curl -d "chartcode='HJAA'&selector='chartcode'"

This produces the following output


View the chart in the browser by pasting the following into the url address field:

or download the growth chart as

curl -o mychart.svg '' -H 'Cache-Control: max-age=0'

In order to obtain the right canvas size, the URL needs to be in quotes and the request needs -H 'Cache-Control: max-age=0' option added.

Adding data to charts

Until now, we have only seen empty growth charts. This section describes various ways to add child data to the charts.

Data format

The BDS JGZ 3.2.5 protocol facilitates the exchange of data between parties active in the Dutch youth health care. The format is basically a codebook of variables. Each variable has a number: bdsnummer. JAMES adopts the format, and accepts data in JSON format according to a JSON schema.

A minimal example of the data according to the schema is:


Save the file client3.json on your local system by

curl -O

which produces a file called client3.json in your working directory.

For testing purposes, you may change its values, but please keep the general structure intact.

Charting the child data, JSON file

The following curl command uploads and converts the file, and plots the data on a growth chart:

curl -F 'txt=@client3.json'


As before, you can draw the chart by pasting the following URL in the browser:

JAMES automatically selected the length-by-age chart for preterm girls born at a gestational age of 27 weeks.

Charting the child data, JSON string

Send the child’s data as a JSON string instead of a file provides some more flexibility. The following code assumes that utility jq is installed.

First, convert the JSON file into a JSON string, with double quotes (") properly escaped.

var=$(jq '.' client3.json | jq -sR '.')
echo $var

Then run the following command requesting chart code PMAAN27:

curl -d "txt=$var&chartcode='PMAAN27'&selector='chartcode'"

The results returns an URL pointing to an A4 formatted different chart for preterm girls with the points added.

There are many more options possible. See the help in:


Data cache

JAMES takes the following general steps to plot data:

  1. The client sends a request that posts the child data;
  2. The server validates the input;
  3. The server transforms the data into JAMES internal format;
  4. The server adds the data points to the chart;
  5. The server sends a response to the client;
  6. The client interprets the response.

All JAMES functions support the complete set of actions through the txt parameter, as used above. In addition, many functions also accept the cached result from steps 1-3 as input through the loc parameter. More in particular, the loc method saves the result after step 3, and feeds the location of the converted data into a second request that applies the plotting. Both txt and locmethods yield the same result.

The obvious advantage of caching is that validation has only to be done once. In cases where the user needs multiple analyses for the same child, for example for building an interactive site, caching may result in snappier behaviour. It may also be easier to diagnose errors in the input data. On the other hand, caching also requires some more work on the client side. The nature of the application determines which method works best.

Example of data cache

An example, let’s create a chart in two steps. We first upload the data using upload_data(), which accepts JSON input and return the location with the uploaded data.

curl -d "txt=$var"


We create the chart by

curl -d "loc=''"

Request a dedicated url to the chart site

The child’s data can be plotted on any of the available charts using a child chart site. We can construct a child’s site by means of the following request.

curl -d "txt=$var"

This command uploads and checks the input data, and appends the result URL to the site base URL. The combined URL starts a personalised site with the child’s data.

Alternatively, if we already obtained a loc parameters, we can combine that with the site base URL as follows.

curl -d "loc=''"

There are three ways to choose which chart is being plotted:

  1. JAMES picks a default chart;
  2. The developer provides a chartcode parameter;
  3. The end user manipulates the interactive controls.

Options 1 and 2 determine the first chart that is shown to the end user.

Site with default chart

The default chart picked by JAMES is currently hard-wired as the child’s height chart that contains the most recent measurements. If the child is a pre-term (gestational age <= 36 weeks) and younger than 4 years, then JAMES chooses the appropriate preterm chart.

The chart site with the default start can be started by combining the uploaded data and the main site at ( as

curl ""

Pasting this url in your browser starts the site with the child’s data.

Site with developer-specified chart

Starting the site at a given growth chart is possible by specifying the chartcode parameters. For example, we may initialize the site at chart PMAAN27 by

curl ""

The site now starts with PMAAN27 instead of PMAHN27. Any chart can be chosen. It is the responsibility of the developer that the choice is sensible given the child’s data.

Site with user-specified chart

After the site is started the end user may change the chart on which the data are drawn by simply using the site controls.

Screen growth curves according to JGZ guidelines

screen_growth | Screen growth curves according to JGZ guidelines

curl -d "txt=$var"

We obtain the screening results as

    "Categorie": 1000,
    "CategorieOmschrijving": "Lengte",
    "Code": 1031,
    "CodeOmschrijving": "Het advies volgens de JGZ-richtlijn lengtegroei is als volgt: In principe geen verwijzing nodig, naar eigen inzicht handelen.",
    "Versie": "1.6.0",
    "Leeftijd0": "20181111",
    "Leeftijd1": "20181211"
    "Categorie": 2000,
    "CategorieOmschrijving": "Gewicht",
    "Code": 2031,
    "CodeOmschrijving": "Het advies volgens de JGZ-richtlijn overgewicht is als volgt: In principe geen verwijzing nodig, naar eigen inzicht handelen.",
    "Versie": "1.6.0",
    "Leeftijd0": "20181111",
    "Leeftijd1": "20181211"
    "Categorie": 3000,
    "CategorieOmschrijving": "Hoofdomtrek",
    "Code": 3031,
    "CodeOmschrijving": "In principe geen verwijzing nodig, naar eigen inzicht handelen.",
    "Versie": "1.6.0",
    "Leeftijd0": "20181111",
    "Leeftijd1": "20181211"

Create one request with list of return values

In some cases, we would like to bundle return values from a custom set of calls. That is the job of custom_list. The current version of custom_list will return a site URL (created by request_site), a table of screening results (created by screen_growth) and the last D-score (created by calculate_dscore). For example, the calls

curl -d "txt=$var"


  "UrlGroeicurven": "",
  "Resultaten": [
      "Categorie": 1000,
      "CategorieOmschrijving": "Lengte",
      "Code": 1031,
      "CodeOmschrijving": "Het advies volgens de JGZ-richtlijn lengtegroei is als volgt: In principe geen verwijzing nodig, naar eigen inzicht handelen.",
      "Versie": "1.6.0",
      "Leeftijd0": "20181111",
      "Leeftijd1": "20181211"
      "Categorie": 2000,
      "CategorieOmschrijving": "Gewicht",
      "Code": 2031,
      "CodeOmschrijving": "Het advies volgens de JGZ-richtlijn overgewicht is als volgt: In principe geen verwijzing nodig, naar eigen inzicht handelen.",
      "Versie": "1.6.0",
      "Leeftijd0": "20181111",
      "Leeftijd1": "20181211"
      "Categorie": 3000,
      "CategorieOmschrijving": "Hoofdomtrek",
      "Code": 3031,
      "CodeOmschrijving": "In principe geen verwijzing nodig, naar eigen inzicht handelen.",
      "Versie": "1.6.0",
      "Leeftijd0": "20181111",
      "Leeftijd1": "20181211"

which contains the return values generated by request_site (called “UrlGroeicurven” here) and by screen_growth (called “Resultaten” here). There no result for calculate_dscore because the data do not contain any developmental scores that would be needed to calculate a D-score.

In principle, custom_list provides an option for clients to bundle the results of multiple requests into one call. The current functionality, however, is limited to what is indicated in this section.

Legacy functionality

This following table lists functions that are active in the current version, but that we will not further develop. Please replace them by the suggested alternative.

Function Description Preferred alternative
convert_bds_ind Validate, convert, store input (server) upload_data
fetch_loc Validate, convert, store input (server) upload_data
upload_txt Validate, convert, store input (client) jamesclient::upload_txt
draw_chart_bds Draw chart from uploaded draw_chart(txt = ...)
draw_chart_ind Draw chart from cached data draw_chart(loc = ...)
screen_curves Screen growth along JGZ guidelines screen_growth, custom_list

This following table lists argument names that are active in the current version, but that will be phased out for consistency. Please replace them by the suggested alternative.

Argument Description Preferred alternative
bds_data JSON input data txt
ind_loc Location with cached data. loc
location Location with cached data. loc
?ind= URL query parameter for cached data ?loc=

At some point these functions and argument names will be deprecated and removed.

Next steps

Things that were still on the wish list in Sept 2019:

  • transfer JAMES to url [wait for docker version]
  • allow for more input formats [NOW support for both txt and loc]
  • add https protocol [DONE]
  • add functionality to test for Dutch guidelines for referral [DONE, 3 guidelines]
  • add functionality to predict individual growth curves [DONE]
  • extend functionality to include the \(D\)-score charts [DONE]


The growth charts in JAMES are programmed in R. JAMES makes these available through the OpenCPU system for scientific computing and reproducible research. The system allows for easy integration of growth charts into any HTTP compliant client by means of OpenCPU’s API. JAMES is a RESTful webservice.


Work in progress. Direct suggestions and inquiries to Stef van Buuren (stef.vanbuuren at,,


Bocca-Tjeertes, I. F. A., S. van Buuren, A. F. Bos, J. M. Kerstens, E. M. ten Vergert, and Reijneveld.S. A. 2012. “Growth of Preterm and Fullterm Children Aged 0-4 Years: Integrating Median Growth and Variability in Growth Charts.” Journal of Pediatrics 161 (3): 460–65.
Talma, H., Y. Schonbeck, B. Bakker, R. A. Hirasing, and S. van Buuren. 2010. Groeidiagrammen 2010: Handleiding Bij Het Meten En Wegen van Kinderen En Het Invullen van Groeidiagrammen. Leiden: TNO Kwaliteit van Leven.
WHO, Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. 2006. “WHO Child Growth Standards Based on Length/Height, Weight and Age.” Acta Paediatrica 95 (Supplement 450): 76–85.