Determines the reference name for each measurement based on age, sex, outcome and gestational age.




Data frame in the long form, where each measurement has its own row. Required variables are xname, yname, x and sex. Optional variables are age and ga.


A character vector of nrow(data) elements.


The present implementation uses three Dutch references: a term reference, a pre-term reference for children born ga <= 36 aged 0 - 4 years, and a reference for the D-score. For head circumference, pre-term references up to 1.5 years are used, and term references thereafter. Together, this specification defines the analysis metric in JAMES.

The pre-term references govern gestational ages between 25 and 36 weeks. The function scores pre-term born infants with gestational ages between 21 and 24 weeks relative to the 25-week references.

If the variable ga is not present in data, the function assumes term births for all children and prints a message.

References for the Development Score (D-score) for pre-term were created by shifting the term reference by 40 - ga weeks to the right, so the references start at a later calender age. Because pre-terms are older their Z-score initially score higher than those of terms. The effect disappears after four months.

The yname field currently supports the following measurements: hgt (length/height in cm), wgt (body weight in kg), hdc (head circumference in cm), bmi (body mass index in kg/m**2), wfh (weight for height in kg) and dsc (D-score).

The xname field currently supports the following measurements: age (child age, decimal years) and hgt (height in cm, only for wfh).


Stef van Buuren 2021


df <- data.frame(
  xname = c("age", "age", "age", "age", "hgt", "age", "age"),
  yname = c("hgt", "hgt", "hdc", "hdc", "wfh", "dsc", "wgt"),
  x = c(0.1, NA, 0.1, 1.6, 60, 1.0, 1.0),
  sex = c(rep(c("male", "female"), 3), "male"),
  ga = c(39, 27, 27, 27, 39, 40, 40))
refcodes <- set_refcodes(df)

# show the preterm 27 weeks hgt reference
centile::load_reference(refcodes[2], pkg = "nlreferences")
#> # A tibble: 69 × 4
#>         x     L     M      S
#>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 0          1  50.9 0.0376
#>  2 0.0192     1  51.6 0.0375
#>  3 0.0383     1  52.3 0.0375
#>  4 0.0575     1  52.9 0.0374
#>  5 0.0767     1  53.6 0.0373
#>  6 0.0958     1  54.3 0.037 
#>  7 0.115      1  55.0 0.0369
#>  8 0.134      1  55.7 0.0368
#>  9 0.153      1  56.4 0.0368
#> 10 0.172      1  57.0 0.0367
#> # ℹ 59 more rows