• Add example to the README.Rmd
  • Refresh all references so that length(refcode) matches the number of imported files
  • Replaces Dutch D-score reference by GSED Phase 1 reference. Affects transform2y() and transform2z()
  • Add test for daz calculation using GSED Phase 1 reference
  • Removes renv functionality
  • Updates to tidyselect 1.2.0 grammar for select() and pivot_...()
  • Updates `roxygen``
  • Updates GH actions
  • Updates renv and renv.lock
  • Updates renv packages to R 4.2.1
  • Adds renv package management
  • Adds two spaces at remotes in DESCRIPTION
  • Omits LazyData from DESCRIPTION
  • Switches on continuous integration
  • Adds Github action pkgdown
  • Adds Github action R-CMD-check
  • Adds github-pages branch
  • Correct bug in set_refcodes() that occurred when age = NA
  • New package name nlreferences
  • Adds references for Hindostane subpopulation
  • Adds Dutch 1980 and 2009 references
  • Replace yzy by centile package
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.