Chapter 5 D-score implementation

This document describes the actions taken to implement the D-score into JAMES. The functionality of JAMES is distributed over multiple packages. This set of actions may be of interest when implementing new features.

5.1 Actions

Package PR Description
minihealth 03a32f1 Create milestones descriptions
dscore f0013ce Link BDS number to Van Wiechen milestones
dscore 6886854 Fine tuning of milestone labels
minihealth Create the bds_lexicon object
minihealth 4893982 Add milestones to BDS validation JSON schema
minihealth 0069671 Add convert_ddi_gsed() to convert BDS-milestones into GSED items
minihealth 8ab1392 Add a new class individualDS for storing milestones, D-score and DAZ
clopus 1182cb0 Add Dutch and GCDG D-score references
clopus 7bdbcd9 Construct age-shifted D-score references for preterms
clopus ceab7f9 Import the D-score references into clopus
chartdesigner 6883190 Add chart constructor functions for D-score, both terms and pre-terms
chartdesigner 511f456 Extend internal to D-score charts
chartdesigner 6582af8 Extend to axes.locations object to D-score charts
chartdesigner 47e3cc3 Create dchart() function and extend its helper functions
chartdesigner fbbc7c8 Function chartcode() factory, make one function for each chart code
chartcatalog cc46788 Extend the chart naming system to D-score charts
chartcatalog 84aaded Extend the lookup table ynames_lookup to handle new D-score charts
chartbox aa31067 Extend chart box with all D-score charts
james 6412840 Add radio button for D-score charts
minihealth 06a04c9 Calculate D-score and DAZ
chartplotter 4b58638 Skip the dsc field for finding matches
minihealth 816be33 Add D-score and DAZ to class individualAN
donordata 77e01b4 Add milestones to SMOCC donor data
donordata ecb3413 Calculate D-score and DAZ for SMOCC data
donordata 3fa9d4d Fit and store brokenstick model for D-score on SMOCC data
donorloader c22c446 Update internal data after changes in donordata
jamesdocs TBD Document steps (this file)
donordata 7983c3 Saves the item scores to create JSON files
donordata 1537182 Save mapping between SMOCC and BDS coding scheme
donorloader e9a8ed Make smocc_bds available to JAMES
jamestest 648419 Regenerate smocc JSON files to include DDI scores
jamestest ce1dbe Update the installed.cabinets object with the new individual milestones data
minihealth 4dda8d Add class individualRW to store and convert raw milestones data
minihealth 9e03e7 Complete the JSON validator schema