Chapter 3 Growth charts in JAMES

3.1 Chart naming conventions

The link contains an interactive overview of the available growth charts. There are many different charts: for boys and girls, for preterms, for different age ranges, for specific ethnic groups, for height, weight, BMI, and so on. Each chart has a chart code, a character code identifying the design. This section explains the construction of the chart codes.

The GitHub repository contains the chart libraries that are available to JAMES. The list_charts() function produces a tabular overview.

charts <- chartbox::list_charts()
## [1] 478   8
charts[c(1, 22, 23, 300, 301, 340), ]
##     chartgrp chartcode population    sex design  side language week
## 1     nl2010      DJAA         DS   male      A front    dutch     
## 22    nl2010      DMBA         DS female      B front    dutch     
## 23    nl2010      DMBB         DS female      B  back    dutch     
## 300  preterm   PMAAN32         PT female      A front    dutch   32
## 301  preterm   PMAAN33         PT female      A front    dutch   33
## 340  preterm   PMAHN36         PT female      A   hgt    dutch   36

The chartbox package currently contains three chart groups: nl2010, preterm and who. Each group collects charts of a similar type.

Chart Group N Chart code Description Source
nl2010 140 CCCC Dutch children 0-21 years, including minorities Talma et al. (2010)
preterm 240 CCCCCNN Dutch preterms, ga <= 36 weeks, 0-4 years Bocca-Tjeertes et al. (2012)
who 14 CCCC WHO Child Growth Standards 0-4 years WHO

The chart code is an alpha-numeric code of four (for nl2010 and who) or seven (for preterm) that uniquely identifies each of the charts. The table below specifies the full coding schema used to construct the chart codes.

Position Field Value Description
1 Population N Dutch
T Turkish
M Moroccan
H Hindostan
P Preterm
2 Sex J Male
M Female
3 Design A 0-15 months
B 0-4 years, WFH
C 1-21 years
D 0-21 years
E 0-4 years, WFA
4 Side A A4, front
B A4, back
C A4, back, no hdc
D square, dsc
H square, hgt
O square, hdc
Q square, bmi
R square, wfh
W square, wgt
X A4, double sided
5 Language N Dutch
E English
6-7 Week 25-36 Gestational age

For illustration, code NJAA references to Dutch (N), boys (J), 0-15 month (A), front side (A). Likewise, PMEAN33 codes for the chart of preterm (M), girls (M), 0-4 years (E), front side (A), Dutch language (N) born at 33 weeks of gestation (33).

Some forms hold multiple growth charts. For example, the NJAA chart is designed for A4 paper size (297mm \(\times\) 210mm) and contains three growth charts: head circumference by age, length by age, and weight by age. Some others have no diagram, like NJAB. All square formats hold just one growth chart. All of the square forms have equal sizes (160mm \(\times\) 160mm).

The following table lists the measures per design-form combination.

Design Side Measure Description
A A hdc Head circumference by age, 0-15 mo
hgt Length by age, 0-15 mo
wgt Weight by age, 0-15 mo
B Backside explanations
D dsc D-score by age, 0-15 mo
H hgt Length by age, 0-15 mo
O hdc Head circumference by age, 0-15 mo
W wgt Weight by age, 0-15 mo
B A wfh Weight for height, 0-4 yr
hgt Length by age, 0-4 yr
B hdc Head circumference by age, 0-4 yr
C Backside explanations
D dsc D-score by age, 0-4 yr
H hgt Height by age, 0-4 yr
O hdc Head circumference by age, 0-4 yr
R wfh Weight for height, 0-4 yr
W wgt Weight by age, 0-4 yr
C A wfh Weight for height, 1-21 yr
hgt height by age, 1-21 yr
B bmi BMI by age, 1-21 yr
hdc Head circumference by age, 1-21 yr
C bmi BMI by age, 1-21 yr
H hgt Height by age, 1-21 yr
O hdc Head circumference by age, 1-21 yr
Q bmi Body mass index by age, 1-21 yr
R wfh Weight for height, 1-21 yr
E A wgt Weight by age, 0-4 yr
hgt height by age, 0-4 yr
B hdc Head circumference by age, 0-4 yr
H hgt Height by age, 0-4 yr
O hdc Head circumference by age, 0-4 yr
W wgt Weight by age, 0-4 yr


Bocca-Tjeertes, I. F. A., S. van Buuren, A. F. Bos, J. M. Kerstens, E. M. ten Vergert, and Reijneveld.S. A. 2012. “Growth of Preterm and Fullterm Children Aged 0-4 Years: Integrating Median Growth and Variability in Growth Charts.” Journal of Pediatrics 161 (3): 460–65.
Talma, H., Y. Schonbeck, B. Bakker, R. A. Hirasing, and S. van Buuren. 2010. Groeidiagrammen 2010: Handleiding Bij Het Meten En Wegen van Kinderen En Het Invullen van Groeidiagrammen. Leiden: TNO Kwaliteit van Leven.